Nov 13, 2026
8:00 am
Nov 14, 2026
3:30 pm
Advanced Course – Spinal and Peripheral Manual Therapy Treatment Techniques
This unique approach to manual therapy was discovered and developed by Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. from Wellington, New Zealand. This simple yet effective manual approach addresses musculoskeletal disorders with pain free manual joint “repositioning” techniques for restoration of function and abolition of pain. This two-day Advanced course will review and fine tune the participants skill level with the Mulligan approach to manual therapy for the whole body.
In addition, it will provide instruction in the use of Pain Release Phenomenon techniques and compression techniques. It will include lecture, patient demonstrations, and lab time to give the participants an opportunity for depth problem-solving and refinement of technique for this Mobilization With Movement ® approach. This will also prepare those interested in taking the Certified Mulligan Practitioner Exam.
- PTs and PTAs will receive 13 CEU’s for those holding license in the state of Colorado. For those residing outside of the state of Colorado, please contact your state governing board to determine reciprocity for your state. All forms required to submit individually for CEU’s can be found on this website under Courses/CEU’s.
ATs will receive 13 CEUs from the NATA Board of Certification CEU Provider P3566
- Certificate of attendance for 13 hours of instruction is always given
Advanced Course – Spinal and Peripheral Manual Therapy Treatment Techniques
This unique approach to manual therapy was discovered and developed by Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. from Wellington, New Zealand. This simple yet effective manual approach addresses musculoskeletal disorders with pain free manual joint “repositioning” techniques for restoration of function and abolition of pain. This two-day Advanced course will review and fine tune the participants skill level with the Mulligan approach to manual therapy for the whole body.
In addition, it will provide instruction in the use of Pain Release Phenomenon techniques and compression techniques. It will include lecture, patient demonstrations, and lab time to give the participants an opportunity for depth problem-solving and refinement of technique for this Mobilization With Movement ® approach. This will also prepare those interested in taking the Certified Mulligan Practitioner Exam.
Learning Objectives
- Describe two indications and 2 clinical rules for the application of Pain Release Phenomenon and Compression Techniques
- Demonstrate 3 ankle MWM techniques for ankle ROM impairment.
- Integrate a combined proximal / distal MWM technique in the lower leg when presented with findings of persistent ankle sprain leg pain & dysfunction.
- Demonstrate 2 knee MWM techniques for ROM impairment.
- Integrate 1 advanced MWM combination for medial compartment of the knee when given a presentation of persistent knee joint dysfunction.
- Demonstrate 3 hip MWM techniques for ROM impairment.
- Demonstrate 2 knee taping procedures to reinforce MWM techniques.
- Demonstrate 3 key variables that may need to be modified for pain-free effective MWM of peripheral and axial skeletal joints
- Demonstrate 5 manual techniques for the alleviation straight leg raise pain.
- Integrate 1 advanced combined MWM for sidelying SLR dysfunction when given a presentation of persistent SLR dysfunction.
- Demonstrate 2 manual techniques for the alleviation of SI jt pain.
- Demonstrate central and unilateral manual SNAG techniques for the pain-free improvement of lumbar, cervical and thoracic ROM.
- List 2 indications for wrist/hand taping procedures for the proximal row of carpals and the metacarpals to reinforce an MWM technique.
- Demonstrate 2 elbow MWM techniques for loss of motion and tennis elbow.
- Integrate one forearm combined MWM of the proximal and distal radius/ulna when given a clinical pattern of persistent forearm pain.
- Demonstrate 3 shoulder MWM techniques for shoulder elevation impairment.
- Demonstrate 3 manual techniques for the alleviation of cervicogenic headaches and dizziness
- Integrate one combined shoulder MWM and cervical SNAG when presented with a persistent cervical / shoulder musculoskeletal dysfunctional pattern.
- Cite at least 2 RCT studies that support cervical snags for headaches and dizziness
Two Day Course: Instruction, Demonstration and Lab Practice for:
- 8:00-8:30 Introduction, clinical problem identification and reflectionReview, Problem-Solve, Refinement and advanced progressions of the techniques for:8:30-9;00 Hand & Wrist demo & lab practice: IP, MCP, Metacarpals, Carpals, MWMs and taping techniques9:00-9:30 Pain Release Phenomenon (PRP) & Compression Techniques lecture9:30-10:00 Pain Release Phenomenon (PRP) & Compression Techniques demo & lab practice: Pisiform,Dequervain’s, CMC jt10:00-10:15 Break time10:15-11:00 Elbow demo & lab practice of MWM progressions/combinations: flexion, extension, proximal radioulnar jt, tennis elbow, HEP11:00-11:30 Shoulder demo & lab practice of MWM progressions: manual & belt MWMs for elevation, IR, ER, functional activities, HEP11:30-12:00 Pain Release Phenomenon & Compression Techniques demo & lab practice: tennis elbow, radiohumeral jt & shoulder jt12:00-1:00 Lunch1:00- 2:30 Cervical demo & lab practice of progressions/combinations: NAGs, SNAGs, HEP, Txn techs, Positional SNAGs, SWAMs, cervical PRPs2:30- 2:45 Break time2:45- 3:00 Upper Cervical lecture evidence based practice3:00-3:30 Upper Cervical demo and lab practice progressions: Headache and Cervicogenic Dizziness treatments3:30-4:00 Thoracic and rib cage demo and lab practice: snags and MWMs for ribs 1-12DAY 28:00-8:45 Toes/Feet demo & lab practice progressions: IP, MCP, metatarsals, tarsals, plantar fasciitis, and taping8:45-9:30 Ankle demo & lab practice progressions/combinations: talocrural, distal tib/fib jt, DF, PF, ankle sprains, and taping techniques9:30-10:00 Pain Release Phenomenon and Compression Techniques demo and lab practice: MTP jts, EHL tendon, tarsals, sesamoids10:00-10:15 Break time10:15-12:00 Knee demo & lab practice progressions/combinations:: Belt MWMs, IR MWM, Squeeze tech for meniscus, proxi tib/fib jt, taping & PRP tech12:00-1:00 Lunch1:00- 2:00 Hip demo & lab practice progressions/combinations: flex, ext, rot, non-wt bearing & wt bearing techniques & PRP techs2:00- 2:45 Lumbar demo & lab practice progressions/combinations:: SNAGs, self SNAGs, SLR techs, SNAGS with SLR, HEP2:45-3:00 Break time3:00-3:45 Pelvic Girdle demo & lab practice progressions: ilial rotations, upslip, plinth and weight bearing techniques, taping techniques3:45-4:00 Practical Review session. Post course test.
Advanced Course applicants must have completed the following 2 courses of the curriculum.
- UPPER Quadrant
- LOWER Quadrant
* The Introductory course is recommended but not required.
Wear loose, comfortable lab clothes. Bring mobilization belts, mobilization pads, if available.
Suggested Reading
The recommended texts for the course are:

The Mulligan Concept ® of Manual Therapy: Textbook of techniques by Hing, Hall, Rivett, Vicenzino and Mulligan, 2015. (Get 10% off by entering PROMOTIONAL CODE: BAL6E70486 at checkout !! )

Manual Therapy ‘NAGs’, ‘SNAGs’, ‘MWMs’ etc. 6th edition, by Brian R. Mulligan, 2010.
Eric M. Dinkins – PT, MS, OCS, Cert. MT, MCTA, CMP, CCI
Eric is a graduate from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and has been practicing since 2001. He has earned post-graduate certifications in Manipulative Therapy and is a Certified Mulligan Practitioner with the Mulligan Concept ® of manual therapy. In 2014 he earned his Board Certification as an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist through the American Physical Therapy Association. Eric is also proud to be part of the teaching faculty for Select Medical Corporation, Northeast seminars, and Motion Guidance LLC.
Eric has an extensive sports medicine background, has worked closely with physicians from the Steadman-Hawkins Clinic in Denver, and has treated athletes from youth, to Olympic, and professional levels. He is a published author and was a key-note speaker at the International Mulligan Conference in 2009. Other clinical interests include treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome and utilizing the Motion Guidance system to improve visual feedback in rehabilitation. When not practicing, Eric enjoys spending time with his family, mountain biking, and playing guitar.
Participant Reviews & Testimonials
“I treat mostly upper extremity disorders and I really liked how I am able to incorporate the Mobilization with Movement Concept with my patients. Effective, immediate result, safe techniques. The course was great thank you!”
-Susan G. OTR
“I really enjoyed this course. Changed the way I view manual therapy and its applications for my clinic practice. Understanding how to use MWM during assessment, progressions, and clinical decision making gave me confidence to use this Concept everyday.”
~Elvin L. PT, DPT
“I have been looking for a post-graduate education series that was applicable to all my patients and affordable. I found that with Mobilization With Movement™ This Concept can be implemented with almost everyone that I see.”
~Jeff H. PT, DPT, OCS
Eric Dinkins